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This site serves to get rid of such things that are too ridiculous, personal, frustrating
and yes, plainly boring, to earn a place on my other and moreserioussites:-
dedicated to my career (such as it is), mainly as a photographer for Yayoi Kusama and in show biz (Dutch movies).
This keeps growing out of all proportion and now includes Saul Bass, Charlie Chaplin, Akira Kurosawa, books, strips &c;
I may be too modest here, but who's complaining?
not only a 3D simulation of Curaçao island, but also information on its discovery, exploration and culture.
Which includes politics and economy. Steamships, aeroplanes and boats. Intrepid explorers madly lusting for Gold, Pearls and Injun Girls, or Boys. Who cared?.
Since, the club has been joined by
This nut is obsessed with 3D, virtual reality and such playthings.
We first set this site up as with, but they got tiresome after a while. So we changed to DT hosting (always reminds me of Delirium Tremens); as dotextra didn't relinquish the name, we had to change to With DT, we had more trouble again; like, the control panel was only accessible with Internet Explorer, and was rather primitive and slow. So, when after a year the cyberbore domain name became available again, we moved the site to IVC hosting (also host of the Looniverse) under the old name.
If you find it interesting around here, more power to you. And thanks for your visit!
As IVC-Hosting did nothing to help stop continued efforts to hack the site, even after we lodged complaints with IC3 Internet Crime Complaint Center, in 2009 we just had to move both cYBERbORE and the Looniverse to Omnis. They are more expensive, but it's worth it.
Your Friendly Webmaster
harrie verstappen
e-mail for the cyberbore to
On Those Ads You may have noticed, we run Google ads to eke out at least some money from these pages. Get rich quick, it ain't... if enough money came in to pay the costs of hosting alone we've had a good year.
I received a reminder from Google: Please reconsider your blocking of ads on the following subjects: "Black Magic, Astrology and Esoteric" - "Drugs & Supplements" - "Get Rich Quick".
All these are "standard allowable" unless explicity blocked; which we did.
First upload August 2002
Revamped and changed host June 2003
Intensive revamp and growth April, 2004
Re-checked all links, July 2013
amazing how many sites have disappeared, complete with links
and we're still going strong.
original design thumbnails editing validation shrinking uploading Netscape Composer EZ Thumbs EditPad Classic CSE HTML validator HTML Shrinker Ace FPT3
web search engines link and page checking
(These Guys are Good — check 'em out)
Remember those science fiction stories where
the computer came back with a snappyInsufficient Data?
Here you have it for real.
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all material on this site, except where noted
copyright © by , curaçao
reproduction in any form for any purpose is prohibited
without prior consent in writing